Sunday, October 16, 2011

Little Tiny Eagles

The long wait of finishing my first hand painted series is done. I have 20 baby eagle done and ready to be put in packages. They should sell for $25.

New Mega Munny on the Way!

My old Mega Munny is under construction for more that a facelift.Let's just say he'll resemble this four inch version but with lights and more textures than the human eye can handle.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


He is the last of the plumage series. He stands over eight inches tall. He has a nice contrast in textures and colors.


Al Dentis

He is the super tooth guy O_o

Two of the three plumage guys. He is the eight inch member of the Cyclopean series. I utilize my cartooning style to generate a different type of face that I normally would.



One of three that have plumage.

Standing over 8" tall



Cute and grotesque all in one! Gomez is a nice 3-D representation of the surreal I enjoy drawing.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Promo Over There

I thought I'd post the two promotional pieces that I made for a local shop. They will be having a show in August and I'll promote it where I can. Until then, enjoy! One is inspired by my childhood love of Bomberman and the other is not. Yes, that is a real arcade button...