Saturday, January 28, 2012

It looks like fishmen

This was a piece for a Christmas show. The show was called "Old Friends" and was the inspiration came from childhood toys. When I was a kid I grew up watching all the 80's cartoons that were nothing more than 22 minute toy commercials. Mer-Man was my favorite character from the He-Man series. Here he is captured on a seven inch Munny.

This guy is on to greener pastures, he was put up and won in a  raffle to benefit Feeding America.

Monday, January 2, 2012

follower or devoted dude

This guy is still in progress. I've been wanting to do a piece with the dunny hat. Something like a Cthulhu devotee. The red jumper needs to evolve.

B E H O L D !

Jimmy got a Beholder suit for Christmas too. He also grew a few inches too.

Viva de los diablo!

Looks like Jimmy got himself a devil suit for Christmas.

The World Needs a Cyclops

My cyclops characters revisited in two sizes. The potential for a Mega Munny is racing through my brain.

Mr. Red

Taking the bonsai idea to the Mega Munny stage. However, if I scaled the tree with the munny then it would cease to be a bonsai. I abstracted the tree in a fashion to make it look like a tree from Dr. Seuss.

Johnny Kito

I have a drawing in which a cyclopean cat's skin is pulled off and a lizard is revealed. TADA!


We have: mini, Regular and MEGA!
My sushi loving character in three various sizes.

Regular is still under construction.

The Mega is still under construction (I'm glad he didn't sell last week) it's time to take advantage of the that huge head.

It's beginning to look like fishmen

Everywhere I go. Two fishmen from that are about 3 inches tall.

New year with some new toys. I start with an old one though.